Within the next second, Duran raised his sword in time, preparing to engage the corrupted Amazonian in a bloody duel. "Riese, snap out of it! Something is controlling you! WAKE UP!" don't recognize Riese?" Tears began flowing out of Riese's eyes as she angrily gripped her lance tight. The Amazonian lethargically tilted her head sideways, questioning Duran of his reaction. am I?" A wave of unsettling chills shot up Duran's back as soon as his eyes met with Riese's soulless stare. Upon confirming that Riese is not wearing any sort of weird costume, the Amazonian slowly turned around, flapping her wings gently as she greeted Duran.

are you.?" For a moment he hesitated to recognize her - instead of wearing her usual forest green Amazonian armour, Riese is wearing a set of red demonic armour of unknown origin. What he didn't expect however, is that the guardian waiting in this church would be his former comrade.

The mercenary Duran arrived to the abandoned church with great haste, and there he found the sole guardian as told.