With the aid of the Pixar-developed Computer Animation Production System, or CAPS, the studio was able to combine hand-drawn character animation with sweeping camera moves during the romantic ballroom dance between Belle (Paige O’Hara) and the Beast (Robby Benson). On its way to becoming the first animated feature nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, Disney’s acclaimed animated musical broke ground with its early use of CG. Image Credit: Buena Vista Pictures/courtesy of Everett Collection “Beauty and the Beast”: A Stunning Marriage of 2D and 3D Animation Techniques.There were limitations to what the “Terminator 2” team could achieve, but with Muren’s knowledge of CG, Cameron’s vision for total reflectivity, and ILM’s talent for innovation, they created something awe-inspiring: a character who moved and morphed in step (thanks to an early use of mocap) with the actor’s praying-mantis-like performance.

Fortunately, they had a blueprint for their android assassin, courtesy of Cameron’s previous film, “The Abyss”: the pseudopod, the first photoreal CG water effect to take on human form - and another Oscar winner, to boot.Ĭhrome proved the key to the T-1000, because it was the most malleable material to work digitally.

Under the leadership of VFX supervisor Dennis Muren, ILM was tasked with creating the “liquid metal” look for the shape-shifting T-1000 (Robert Patrick). James Cameron’s VFX Oscar winner from 1991 provided an important evolutionary step for Industrial Light & Magic and a leap forward for the industry: the first lead character in a feature who was partially CG. Image Credit: courtesy of Everett Collection

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