Memes must be relevant and non offensive. RULE 4: Absolutely no shitposting, trolling, instigation, petitions, marketing surveys, or political stumping. Self-Promoting your YouTube channel or Website on /r/Toyota or any other automotive subreddits falls under this rule. RULE 3: Spamming articles from non-trusted sources, click bait websites, or a dealerships will result in removal or a ban. This includes ANY YouTube videos not posted using the proper format (see sticky post).

Self-promotion of any sort will be regulated and may result in a ban.

Concepts, questions, pictures, or anything else you can think of are encouraged. Wow, where has this been since 2007 when I got my Rav4.RULE 2: Contribute Toyota related articles and reviews from trusted sources. I also Reset my transmission adapted memory after a transmission rebuilt, watched live streaming data, such as transmission temperature. I can confirm this system works! I turned off my daytime running lights and removed the seat belt reminder. This is the same software and a similar interface that the dealerships are using to diagnose, upgrade, reset, etc our Rav4s. ‘I bought the MVCI cable from China for $89. Thai/ Turkish/ Vietnamese/ chinese /chinese(taiwan)/ Spanish/ French/ Indonesian/ Portuguese. Can works on Honda, Toyota, Lexus and Volvo. Compatible with Toyota, Lexus, and Scion vehicles over the J1962 DLC3 connector.Ĥ. It is a high performance factory diagnostics for TOYOTA TISģ. Original MVCI 3 in 1 for TOYOTA, HONDA, VOLVO

Here, obd365 offers MVCI Driver 1.4.8 for all users with original MVCI Toyota, Honda and Volvo 3-in-1 interface. Is that OK or is the downloaded file infected? However, when I am running command 'msiexec /a 'C: temp Techstream MVCI Driver for TOYOTA.msi' /qb TARGETDIR=c: temp mvci', AVG software is finding viruses. I am trying this on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit.